Lounas Lunch klo 11-15
Porkkana-kookoskeitto V, L, G 7,50€
Katkarapupastaa L 10,50€
Parmesanbroileria L, G 10,50€
Carrot-Coconut Soup 7,50€
Pasta with Shrimps 10,50€
Chicken with Parmesan cheese 10,50€
Tex Willer porsaanleike L, G 12,00€
Vuohenjuustosalaatti L, G 12,00€
Halloumiburger VL 12,00€
Tex Willer Pork Chop 12,00€
Goat Cheese Salad 12,00€
Halloumi Burger 12,00€